Monday, May 10, 2010

Slacking once again...

Once again I have became terrible about posting. I meant to post after we got home from South Carolina but I never get a chance with finals and everything else going on. We had a great time in at Ryan's graduation. I will post pictures when I can remember to bring my hard drive with me. Hunter was absolutely estatic to see his Uncle Ryan! He did not want to leave his side the whole time we were there. The ride there wasn't soo bad. The ride home was a lot worse. We dropped Ryan off at Fort Gordon which was right outside Augusta Georiga. And then headed home. The 12 hour trip ended up being closer to 15/16 hours after all the stops for screaming/throwing up kids. Then we got into Alabama...storms began to get worse...We stopped on the side of the road and there was a tornado less than a mile away from us! So that set us back!

I felt terrible because I didn't drive very much. Finally at 5 am we got home. Of course an hour later the boys were wide awake and I took the boys to my moms and went home and went to sleep!

Tball is going great! He's slowly getting the concept of teamwork and doing really good. His poor little legs can't move very fast! It's so funny! I will try to upload the video onto youtube and put it on here.

Other than that everythings good I finished my exams...Just waiting on grades. Randy and I are leaving for Branson and I am so excited.

I'll come back with pictures and video hopefully sometime this week!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Officially a Soccer (sorta) Mom

So I officially feel like a soccer mom (even though we're doing T-ball but the whole T-ball mom doesn't make it sound like the Soccer Mom does, but anyways). The comment was made during the 1st game that I looked like a soccer mom. I was just running around talking to all the parents while trying to snap pictures inbetween. Well, last week I made a very organized calendar for the parents that states all of our games/practices that states who brings snacks and drinks. And on top of that I had volunteered to do the Parent/Family T-shirts for the team. So I had to get all of that together. I got a call today saying that they were ready so on my lunch break I went and picked them up. So I have a boxful of shirts in the backseat of my truck! That I get to sort through tonight and get ready to take to everyone tomorrow. Lets just hope that I didnt screw up the order!
I still haven't gotten to upload the pictures from my camera yet. And I keep forgetting to get the pictures from the first game from my sister and my In-Laws . So hopefully I will remember that sometime soon. Here's what I got from this week so far.

Ayden and Papaw Bill watching the game

Playing in the dirt!
C'mon I'm waiting!

Ok that's enough for now! We leave out Tuesday evening to go see my Brother-in-law graduate from bootcamp! We're all excited...And we even have a surprise for him (A burns park t-shirt that has Uncle Ryan on the back even though he won't be able to come to a game this year!)Hopefully I will have some fun pictures from our trip there!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Here's the pictures from 2 weekds ago. These were all taken at my in-laws house.

Hunter's 1st TBall game!

So I have decided that my next major purchase is going to be a new camera! My camera just can't zoom enough to take good pictures very far away.

As to be expected of a bunch of 3 and 4 year olds the boys were a lot more interested in playin in the dirt rather than the game at times last night! They don't quite get the concept of throwing the ball to first base or to a base to try to get someone out. But I guess thats ok since no matter what there's no outs, no score and everyone bats and fields each inning!

There's still some kids that aren't too happy about being out there. We had a few that would walk off the field or that didn't want to bat. But like I said that's too be expected with 3 and 4 year olds.

Here's some pictures.

Daddy, Hunter and Ayden before the game
Hunter, Louie, and Rudy(I think) at 1st base.
Hunter on 1st base (this is after he showed everyone his stomach, pictures of that too come I still have to get that from my sister)

Running back around the bases.

After game handshakes

Ayden enjoying the food and attention!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring time!!!

Spring is here and I'm so excited! We had a great weekend! Friday night we washed my car (of course I went thru the automatic washer and forgot that I had temporary tags so the tag went flying off of it!) Then i took Hunter to his Uncle Shrek's house (aka Thad, Randys friend). Shrek's son Michael was in town so the boys just had a ball. Hunter decided that he was going to stay with Uncle Shrek until Daddy got off work. So he was there until midnight!!

Then saturday we sat around the house most of the morning, and then Hunter and I went grocery shopping. Then when Randy went to work the boys and I went and spent some time with my the inlaws. We played outside for a while. I got a really cute picture of the boys but of course I forgot to bring my camera to work with me. Maybe I will remember to log on tonight and add the picture. Hunter told me that he was not going home so he stayed with Nana and Papa!

Sunday was nothing special. We went to walmart and to the inlaws to pick up the boys...then we just sat around the house and watched TV!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Soo...I suck at this!

So I have decided that I absolutely suck at blogging! But I have decided that I WILL start blogging. and I WILL start trying to do this on a more then once a year occurance.

So what's going on with the Morgans...Where to start

Ayden: Is getting into everything! He is my little bully! Yesterday he decided that it would be fun to push Hunter down the stairs at my moms house. Hunter's head hit the concrete floor. I got there and he was just crying! I felt so bad. So I was sitting on the recliner with Hunter and Ayden looked at him and said "I SORRY" and gave him a big kiss... So I guess it was all better then.

Hunter: Tball has started. We have practice every Thursday and games every Monday starting April 5th. I will have to post the schedule so we can keep track! I volunteered to do the ordering of the Team T Shirts for the parents. So hopefully that will go well! We didnt go to practice yesterday because of the weather but hopefully it will be nicer next week since it will be the last practice before games begin! Here's pictures from our first practice!

Just hit the ball

Waiting for the ball to be passed to him

Randy: Promotion training has began and with this his schedule has gotten crazy. He works 1 day and 4 night shifts all of which he will be there anywhere between 10 and 12! I'm soo not looking forward to it.

Me: School's driving me nuts. It seems like I can never get caught up. I feel like next semester will probably be absolute hell since I will probably have to go on campus for one class.

Other than that we are going to South Carolina next month to watch Ryan graduate from boot camp so we are very very excited about that!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Quite the imagination

So Hunter's imagination has been expanding! On an everyday basis he will talk to Ayden and they will pretend like they are flying or driving cars.

Well, last night was the funniest thing ever...

We're driving down the freeway on our way home from daycare last night.

Hunter says "Mom you want McDonalds?"

I said "No baby Daddy's making dinner at home"

He said "No mom go get fries and give her dollars" so then he pretends like hes making some fries (even made the sizzle of the grease noise) then he said "Will be one dollar"

So I reached in my pocket and got him a dollar.

He then says "Here's your fries Mom"

So I say "thank you" and begin to pretend like I'm eating.

Then I get stopped by " MOM YOU FORGOT YOUR CHANGE!"

I think he has been to McDonalds one too many times!